Since graduating from Victoria University with a Bachelor in Theatre and Film Gretta Carney (Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi) has dedicated herself to kai and hauora.
She has worked in various guises including co-director of Wellington based Organic Catering Company, researcher to OANZ (Organic Aotearoa New Zealand), Project Manager to Te Waka Kai Ora overseeing the development of the Hua Parakore Organic Verification and was a member of the Aotearoa delegation to the Terra MadreInternational Slow Food Meeting of Indigenous Food Producers in Italy 2008.
Gretta has a National Diploma in Biodynamic Organic Agriculture and is also a qualified Classical Homeopatht running a clinical practice in Hawkes Bay prior to establishing Hapi. Gretta grew up on grew up on her family's sheep and cattle farm in Rissington and has 3 children who love to help at Hapī.