food as medicine, medicine as food.
He kai he rongoā, he rongoā he kai.
Hapi is a way of living that celebrates diversity in eating styles. We believe everything you eat should taste and feel delicious. Our principles are timeless and inform everything we do.

Mauri - Integrity & Resilience
Living vital foods are a powerful source of abundant health and healing. At Hapī we place enormous importance on the integrity of our source ingredients. We work with suppliers who uphold traditional, organic and wildcrafted methods to produce the highest quality whole foods. We prepare these raw ingredients with respect, using methods that enhance the vitality of the ingredients.
Hapī restores and enhances health.

Whānau - Belong & Beloved
Loving relationships underpin all life processes and are essential to health and wellbeing. At Hapī we make decisions that benefit the wellbeing of our family. We understand family in the widest sense of the word. Our suppliers are our family. Our customers are our family.
Hapī grows loving communities.

Manāki - Give & Receive
There is beautiful dignity and humility in our capacity to give and receive. At Hapī our customers are our guests and we seek to be welcoming and generous at all times. In return we accept reciprocity for our labour that enables us to uphold the sustainability and integrity of what we do.
Hapī creates abundance.

Marama - Learn & Share
Marama is the journey towards enlightenment. At Hapī we strive to grow our knowledge of healing foods and share this with our community. We consciously create platforms for open knowledge sharing and growth.
Hapī inspires transformation.

Wairua - Gratitude & Peace
The creative energy of the universe is a limitless source of health and healing. At Hapī we have faith that the food we prepare can restore and enhance health. We maintain strict practices to protect the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our premises, our staff and our products.
Hapī nurtures harmony.
Hapori is the name of our cafe space located in the Chantal Shop. There is a social objective to this project, manifesting our broader vision to include and integrate our neighbourhood in one space, creating purposeful connection between suppliers and customers; who are our families and community.

At Hapori we believe that abundance is benefited by collective enrichment. Hapori seeks to weave individual aspiration into a cohesive community enterprise.
Hapori unifies communal will.

At Hapori we believe that when we work together we can all thrive.We believe that through collective effort we can effectively meet our communal needs.
Hapori facilitates collective enterprise.

At Hapori we see creativity as socialised processes that link visions, know-hows and knowledge through practices of sharing.
Hapori fosters creation.

At Hapori we believe that with shared vision we flourish. Haproi cultivates a space for us to collectively dream our hopes for the future.
Hapori grows our dreams.
Mandala artworks by Rakai Karaitiana | @isladearoha