Organic food producers need your help
Stand up for Your Access to Safe Food
The Gene Technology Bill enables the commercial use of genetic modification in New Zealand's landscapes at the expense of public safety, farmer livelihood and our global Clean Green Image. Labelling laws will also change so it would become very hard for you to know what food has been exposed to genetic modification when you go shopping. Anyone and everyone can make a submission to this Bill, submissions close 17 February.


Restorative Broth - Chicken

Restorative Broth - Turmeric Chicken

Nut Mylk - Cacaoccino

Hapī Turmeric Tonic

Cold Pressed Juice - Cleansing

Cold Pressed Juice - Grounding

our organic market gardens
Maara Kai
Our maara kai produces the abundance of greens and herbs used at Hapi as well as vegtetables for our juices and cabbage for our kim chi.
Order from our Eatery
45 Hastings Street, Napier City

He kai He Rongoā
Health Specialists
Hapi works to uphold Ngā Kaupapa o Hua Parakore, the ancestral values that underpin the creation of pure, uncontaminated food. When we succeed our products become Kai Atua, food that is of the divine, food that is inherently healing. Kai Ora.
Hapī Kaupapa

Living vital foods are a powerful source of abundant health and healing. At Hapī we place enormous importance on the integrity of our source ingredients.

Loving relationships underpin all life processes and are essential to health and wellbeing. We understand family in the widest sense of the word and our suppliers are our family, our customers are our family.

Our customers are our guests and we seek to be welcoming and generous at all times. Reciprocity for our labour enables us to sustainably uphold the integrity of what we do.

Marama is the journey towards enlightenment. At Hapī we strive to grow our knowledge of healing foods and share this with our community.

He Rongoā He Kai
Turmeric Tonic
You can drink it hot like lemon and honey. You can drink it cold like a soda. You take it on a spoon like medicine.